Thank you for downloading iPNG2, a utility for loading PNG files into the iPod firmware! Currently, iPNG only changes the images that are already semi-transparent. How to use: Open iPNG2.exe Select File->Load Firmware or type Ctrl+o Find and select your firmware Select the image you want to change from the drop-down list Select File->Load PNG or type Ctrl+l Find and select a PNG file with the same dimentions. If it is a different size, iPNG won't load it. iPNG will automatically convert the PNG file to a format readable by the iPod. Once you have done this for all of the images you wish to change, select Save or Save As (or type Ctrl+s or Ctrl+Shift+S, respectively) and if you selected Save As, find a place and name for the new file. iPNG will save the firmware with all of your changes to the file. Open with iPodWizard click "Write to file", and enjoy! Load All PNGs expects the file names to be in 'picXXXXX.png' format, like iPW does. It will ignore any file that doesn't meet this requirement. Known issues: If there's a "Configuration is incorrect" error try downloading the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable at See the "About" screen in the "Help" menu for more information.